HOW TO USE Dhanadayak Yantra

To perform the Dhanadayak Yantra Puja (Business Growth Yantra), follow the following steps:
30 जून 2023 by
Yantra Guru
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Dhanadayak Yantra is a powerful tool for attracting wealth and success in business. By performing the Dhanadayak Yantra Puja, you can harness its energies and enhance your chances of prosperity. In this blog, we will guide you on how to effectively use the Dhanadayak Yantra and perform the Puja for business growth.

To perform the Dhanadayak Yantra Puja (Business Growth Yantra), follow the following steps:

Dhanadayak Yantra is a powerful tool for attracting wealth and success in business. By performing the Dhanadayak Yantra Puja, you can harness its energies and enhance your chances of prosperity. In this blog, we will guide you on how to effectively use the Dhanadayak Yantra and perform the Puja for business growth.

Find an appropriate location Dhanadayak Yantra Puja LocationPlace the Dhanadayak Yantra Yantra in a suitable location, such as on a platform or facing south or east. Ensure that the Yantra is at the level of your eyes. This positioning allows you to connect with the energies of the Yantra more effectively.

Take a comfortable seat Comfortable seating for Dhanadayak Yantra PujaSit on a comfortable seat while meditating, ensuring that your spine is straight. You can sit on the floor or use a cushion or chair for support. The key is to maintain a posture that allows you to relax and focus without any discomfort.

Cleanse the Yantra Cleansing the Dhanadayak YantraBefore starting the meditation, cleanse the Yantra. You can do this by waving an incense stick or using any other purification method of your choice. This helps in removing any negative energies and attracting positive energies to assist you in your business endeavors.

Deep breathing and focus Deep breathing during Dhanadayak Yantra PujaTake deep and slow breaths to calm your body and mind. Relax your body and bring your focus to the center of the Yantra. Avoid any negative thoughts or distractions and center your attention on perceiving the detailed energies of the Yantra. This deep breathing technique helps in creating a state of relaxation and receptivity.

Chant the Dhanadayak Yantra Mantra Chanting the Dhanadayak Yantra MantraWhile meditating on the Business Growth Yantra, chant the Dhanadayak Yantra Mantra, 'Om Hreem Shreem Hreem Vyaparaya Namah.' According to belief, chanting this mantra brings blessings of wealth and success into your life. It is recommended to chant it at least 21 times or more, preferably 108 times, every day. The vibrations created by the mantra resonate with the energies of the Yantra, amplifying its effects.

Duration of meditation Duration of Dhanadayak Yantra PujaMeditate on the Dhanadayak Yantra for a duration of 5 to 20 minutes daily. Gradually increase the duration based on your comfort and availability. Consistency is key in harnessing the energies of the Yantra, so make it a regular practice in your daily routine.

Sustain your intention Sustaining intention during Dhanadayak Yantra PujaWhile meditating, hold a strong and positive intention (sankalp) to experience the beneficial and positive energies of the Dhanadayak Yantra. Keep your mind focused on attracting wealth and abundance into your life. This intention acts as a magnet, drawing the desired outcomes towards you.

Importance of consistency and regularity in meditation Consistency in Dhanadayak Yantra PujaMaintain consistency and regularity in your meditation practice with the Dhanadayak Yantra. Make it a part of your daily routine and allocate time to experience the positive results of the established energies through the Yantra. The more you align yourself with the energies, the stronger their impact on your business growth.

By following these steps, you can perform the Dhanadayak Yantra Puja effectively and enhance your chances of attracting prosperity and success in your business endeavors.

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