Shri Ram Janmbhoomi Theerthshetra Ayodhya

“ श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम।“
19 जनवरी 2024 by
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Shri Ram Janmbhoomi Theerthshetra Ayodhya

“ श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम।“

Lord Rama is a revered figure in Hinduism and is considered the seventh avatar of Lord Vishnu, one of the principal deities in the Hindu pantheon. The story of Rama is primarily narrated in the ancient Indian epic, the Ramayana, attributed to the sage Valmiki. The Ramayana is an epic poem that recounts the life and adventures of Rama, his wife Sita, and his loyal companion Hanuman.

Here are some key aspects of the story of Lord Rama:

Birth and Early Life: Rama was born to King Dasharatha of Ayodhya and Queen Kaushalya. His birth is celebrated on the ninth day of the Chaitra month in the Hindu calendar, known as Rama Navami.

Marriage to Sita: Rama's marriage to Sita is a central part of the Ramayana. He famously broke Lord Shiva's bow to win Sita's hand in marriage. However, Sita was later abducted by the demon king Ravana.

Exile: Due to a series of events and political intrigues, Rama, along with his wife Sita and his loyal brother Lakshmana, spent fourteen years in exile in the forests.

Slaying of Ravana: Rama, with the help of the monkey-god Hanuman and his army of monkeys, waged a war against the demon king Ravana to rescue Sita. In this epic battle, Rama ultimately defeated Ravana and rescued Sita.

Return to Ayodhya: After completing his exile, Rama returned to Ayodhya, where he was warmly welcomed by the people. This event is celebrated as Diwali, the festival of lights.

Ideal King and Dharma: Rama is often portrayed as an ideal king (Maryada Purushottama) and is admired for his adherence to dharma (righteousness) and his commitment to truth and justice.

Rama's Rule: Rama's reign in Ayodhya is considered a golden age, where justice prevailed, and people lived in harmony.

Bhakti Tradition: The story of Rama has inspired a rich tradition of devotional poetry, music, and art. The chanting of Rama's name, known as "Rama Nama," is considered a powerful form of spiritual practice in Hinduism.

Rama is a symbol of virtue, righteousness, and devotion in Hinduism, and his story continues to be a source of inspiration for millions of people.
The Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra is a trust established by the Government of India for the construction of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh. The temple is dedicated to Lord Rama, and its construction at the disputed site in Ayodhya has been a long-standing and contentious issue in Indian history.

श्री राम रक्षा स्तोत्रम् 

(Shri Ram Raksha Stotram)

अस्य श्रीरामरक्षास्त्रोतमन्त्रस्य बुधकौशिक ऋषिः ।
श्री सीतारामचंद्रो देवता ।
अनुष्टुप छंदः। सीता शक्तिः ।
श्रीमान हनुमान कीलकम ।
श्री सीतारामचंद्रप्रीत्यर्थे रामरक्षास्त्रोतजपे विनियोगः ।
अथ ध्यानम्‌:
ध्यायेदाजानुबाहुं धृतशरधनुषं बद्धपदमासनस्थं,
पीतं वासो वसानं नवकमल दल स्पर्धिनेत्रम् प्रसन्नम ।
वामांकारूढ़ सीता मुखकमलमिलल्लोचनम्नी,
रदाभम् नानालंकारदीप्तं दधतमुरुजटामण्डलम् रामचंद्रम ॥

राम रक्षा स्तोत्रम्:
चरितं रघुनाथस्य शतकोटि प्रविस्तरम् ।
एकैकमक्षरं पुंसां महापातकनाशनम् ॥1॥

ध्यात्वा नीलोत्पलश्यामं रामं राजीवलोचनम् ।
जानकीलक्ष्मणोपेतं जटामुकुटमण्डितं ॥2॥

सासितूणधनुर्बाणपाणिं नक्तंचरान्तकम् ।
स्वलीलया जगत्त्रातुमाविर्भूतमजं विभुम् ॥3॥

रामरक्षां पठेत प्राज्ञः पापघ्नीं सर्वकामदाम् ।
शिरो मे राघवः पातु भालं दशरथात्मजः ॥4॥

कौसल्येयो दृशो पातु विश्वामित्रप्रियः श्रुति ।
घ्राणं पातु मखत्राता मुखं सौमित्रिवत्सलः ॥5॥

जिह्वां विद्यानिधिः पातु कण्ठं भरतवन्दितः ।
स्कन्धौ दिव्यायुधः पातु भुजौ भग्नेशकार्मुकः ॥6॥

करौ सीतापतिः पातु हृदयं जामदग्न्यजित ।
मध्यं पातु खरध्वंसी नाभिं जाम्बवदाश्रयः ॥7॥

सुग्रीवेशः कटी पातु सक्थिनी हनुमत्प्रभुः ।
उरु रघूत्तमः पातु रक्षःकुलविनाशकृताः ॥8॥

जानुनी सेतुकृत पातु जंघे दशमुखांतकः ।
पादौ विभीषणश्रीदः पातु रामअखिलं वपुः ॥9॥

एतां रामबलोपेतां रक्षां यः सुकृति पठेत ।
स चिरायुः सुखी पुत्री विजयी विनयी भवेत् ॥10॥

पातालभूतल व्योम चारिणश्छद्मचारिणः ।
न द्रष्टुमपि शक्तास्ते रक्षितं रामनामभिः ॥11॥

रामेति रामभद्रेति रामचंद्रेति वा स्मरन ।
नरौ न लिप्यते पापैर्भुक्तिं मुक्तिं च विन्दति ॥12॥

जगज्जैत्रैकमन्त्रेण रामनाम्नाभिरक्षितम् ।
यः कण्ठे धारयेत्तस्य करस्थाः सर्वसिद्धयः ॥13॥

वज्रपञ्जरनामेदं यो रामकवचं स्मरेत ।
अव्याहताज्ञाः सर्वत्र लभते जयमंगलम् ॥14॥

आदिष्टवान् यथा स्वप्ने रामरक्षामिमां हरः ।
तथा लिखितवान् प्रातः प्रबुद्धो बुधकौशिकः ॥15॥

आरामः कल्पवृक्षाणां विरामः सकलापदाम् ।
अभिरामस्त्रिलोकानां रामः श्रीमान स नः प्रभुः ॥16॥

तरुणौ रूपसम्पन्नौ सुकुमारौ महाबलौ ।
पुण्डरीकविशालाक्षौ चीरकृष्णाजिनाम्बरौ ॥17॥

फलमूलाशिनौ दान्तौ तापसौ ब्रह्मचारिणौ ।
पुत्रौ दशरथस्यैतौ भ्रातरौ रामलक्ष्मणौ ॥18॥

शरण्यौ सर्वसत्वानां श्रेष्ठौ सर्वधनुष्मताम् ।
रक्षःकुलनिहन्तारौ त्रायेतां नो रघूत्तमौ ॥19॥

आत्तसज्जधनुषाविषुस्पृशा वक्ष याशुगनिषङ्गसङ्गिनौ ।
रक्षणाय मम रामलक्ष्मणावग्रतः पथि सदैव गच्छताम ॥20॥

सन्नद्धः कवची खड्गी चापबाणधरो युवा ।
गच्छन् मनोरथान नश्च रामः पातु सलक्ष्मणः ॥21॥

रामो दाशरथी शूरो लक्ष्मणानुचरो बली ।
काकुत्स्थः पुरुषः पूर्णः कौसल्येयो रघूत्तमः ॥22॥

वेदान्तवेद्यो यज्ञेशः पुराणपुरुषोत्तमः ।
जानकीवल्लभः श्रीमानप्रमेयपराक्रमः ॥23॥

इत्येतानि जपन नित्यं मद्भक्तः श्रद्धयान्वितः ।
अश्वमेधाधिकं पुण्यं सम्प्राप्नोति न संशयः ॥24॥

रामं दुर्वादलश्यामं पद्माक्षं पीतवाससम ।
स्तुवन्ति नामभिर्दिव्यैर्न ते संसारिणो नरः ॥25॥

रामं लक्ष्मणपूर्वजं रघुवरं सीतापतिं सुन्दरं,
काकुत्स्थं करुणार्णवं गुणनिधिं विप्रप्रियं धार्मिकम ।
राजेन्द्रं सत्यसंधं दशरथतनयं श्यामलं शांतमूर्तिं,
वन्दे लोकाभिरामं रघुकुलतिलकं राघवं रावणारिम ॥26॥

रामाय रामभद्राय रामचंद्राय वेधसे ।
रघुनाथाय नाथाय सीतायाः पतये नमः ॥27॥

श्रीराम राम रघुनन्दनराम राम,
श्रीराम राम भरताग्रज राम राम ।
श्रीराम राम रणकर्कश राम राम,
श्रीराम राम शरणं भव राम राम ॥28॥

श्रीराम चन्द्रचरणौ मनसा स्मरामि,
श्रीराम चंद्रचरणौ वचसा गृणामि ।
श्रीराम चन्द्रचरणौ शिरसा नमामि,
श्रीराम चन्द्रचरणौ शरणं प्रपद्ये ॥29॥

माता रामो मत्पिता रामचन्द्रः स्वामी,
रामो मत्सखा रामचन्द्रः ।
सर्वस्वं मे रामचन्द्रो दयालुर्नान्यं,
जाने नैव जाने न जाने ॥30॥

दक्षिणे लक्ष्मणो यस्य वामे च जनकात्मज ।
पुरतो मारुतिर्यस्य तं वन्दे रघुनन्दनम् ॥31॥

लोकाभिरामं रणरंगधीरं राजीवनेत्रं रघुवंशनाथं ।
कारुण्यरूपं करुणाकरं तं श्रीरामचन्द्रं शरणं प्रपद्ये ॥32॥

मनोजवं मारुततुल्यवेगं जितेन्द्रियं बुद्धिमतां वरिष्ठम ।
वातात्मजं वानरयूथमुख्यं श्रीराम दूतं शरणं प्रपद्ये ॥33॥

कूजन्तं रामरामेति मधुरं मधुराक्षरम ।
आरुह्य कविताशाखां वन्दे वाल्मीकिकोकिलम ॥34॥

आपदामपहर्तारं दातारं सर्वसम्पदाम् ।
लोकाभिरामं श्रीरामं भूयो भूयो नमाम्यहम् ॥35॥

भर्जनं भवबीजानामर्जनं सुखसम्पदाम् ।
तर्जनं यमदूतानां रामरामेति गर्जनम् ॥36॥

रामो राजमणिः सदा विजयते,
रामं रमेशं भजे रामेणाभिहता,
निशाचरचमू रामाय तस्मै नमः ।
रामान्नास्ति परायणं परतरं,
रामस्य दासोस्म्यहं रामे चित्तलयः,
सदा भवतु मे भो राम मामुद्धराः ॥37॥

राम रामेति रामेति रमे रामे मनोरमे ।
सहस्त्रनाम तत्तुल्यं रामनाम वरानने ॥38॥
इति श्रीबुधकौशिकविरचितं श्रीरामरक्षास्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम्॥

Here are key points related to the Shri Ram Temple in Ayodhya:

Babri Masjid-Ram Janmabhoomi Dispute: The Ayodhya dispute revolved around the Babri Masjid, which was built in the 16th century by the Mughal emperor Babur. Hindus believe that the mosque was constructed on the birthplace of Lord Rama. The dispute led to communal tensions and, ultimately, the demolition of the Babri Masjid on December 6, 1992, by a group of activists.

Ram Janmabhoomi Verdict (2019): In November 2019, the Supreme Court of India delivered a historic verdict, stating that the disputed land in Ayodhya would be handed over to a trust for the construction of a Ram Temple, while an alternative five acres of land would be allocated for the construction of a mosque.

Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust: Following the court's decision, the Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust was established in February 2020 to oversee the construction of the Ram Temple. The trust is responsible for planning, designing, and supervising the construction of the temple.

Bhoomi Pujan (Groundbreaking Ceremony): On August 5, 2020, a grand ceremony marked the groundbreaking of the temple. The event was attended by various dignitaries, including the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi. The construction work for the temple officially began after the ceremony.

Design and Architecture: The design of the Ram Temple is based on the architectural traditions of the ancient Indian temple architecture, with specific reference to the Nagara style. The temple is expected to be a grand structure with intricate carvings and sculptures.

Expected Completion: The construction of the temple is expected to take several years. The project involves various phases, including the foundation laying, construction of the main temple structure, and the installation of the deity.

The construction of the Shri Ram Temple in Ayodhya is a significant cultural and religious development in India, and it holds immense importance for millions of Hindus who consider Ayodhya as the birthplace of Lord Rama. The project is aimed at creating a landmark temple that symbolizes the cultural and spiritual heritage of the country.

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